General Disclaimers
This website provides information about East X LLP a partnership incorporated in England and Wales (OC431086) and authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 927277). East X LLP is also registered as a Commodity Pool Operator and Commodity Trading Advisor with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and is a Member of the National Futures Association under ID 0532533.
The content of this website has been prepared by East X LLP from its records and is believed to be accurate but we do not accept any liability or responsibility in respect of the information or any views expressed herein.
The website is created for the main purpose of providing generic information on East X LLP and on our investment philosophy. It is not intended to offer investors the opportunity to invest in any Alternative Investment Fund (“AIF”) product. No information contained in this website should be deemed to constitute the provision of financial, investment or other professional advice in any way. The website should not be relied upon as including sufficient information to support any investment decision.
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